Confidentiality - Your Business Information is Safe with BBNY


Absolute confidentiality is essential to the success of any business transaction

The consequences of a breach of confidentiality can be more than serious, it can be devasating for any company seeking a suitor. Whether its customers, employees or competitors who might discover that a company is for sale, the damage is incalcuable.


BBNY maintains the highest level of rigor throughout its process, adopting methodologies to ensure the utmost confidentiality. We only deal with the most highly qualified buyers and investors and maintain a superior level of confidentiality than many others in our profession.


At BBNY, we have an envious reputation for being confidential and secure. All Associates at BBNY, have signed a promise of confidentiality and they know that, if they breach the promise, they will be terminated. That's why people trust us with their most important projects and turn to us for their M&A solutions.


Business Brokers New York LLC
Our focus is distribution, manufacturing, high-technology and services businesses globally...


Company Brochure




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